Together Forever
A quick game prototype about bringing blocks together...forever.
Release Notes:
Only 3 test levels, which are editable in notepad (or equivalent). Base game mechanism in place, zero polish so far. I want to make a proper level editor at some point.
Download (0.2):
Version History:
- +When creating destinations, stop if there is a vacant space below the row for a second time. i.e. don't allow players to move more than once space into the air
- +Once the piece I move is at its final resting place, make ALL other game pieces have falling state, in case I moved out from under some of them
- +If game piece is dead, ensure its collider does not get in the way
- +Make matches in all 3 directions at once be possible
- +Make moving left and right smooth lerping, not instant move.
- ?Sometimes (usually in bottom row?), you click through gamepiece to Tile underneath. Perhaps this will be a non issue once the levels don't have tiles (once they're based on level files or something)
- +Get level fileIO working properly (switched to embedded TextAsset Resources)
- +You can no longer click on dead game pieces and it brings up destinations
- +make levels completed when all game pieces are dead
- +load multiple levels (1-3 or something, as levels complete)
- +Switches don't turn green any more when activated.
- +When already on top of a locked door, and the door becomes open, blocks don't then fall through the newly opened doors.
- +Now when falling, I no longer stop on open doors, because they are not BOARD_SLOT_VACANTs
- +When falling onto block that has just fallen, block 2 goes through block 1
- +Blocks never leave falling state even when they land on a wall.
- +When doors are open, and player moves a block, there is an available destination on the open door. There shouldn't be.
- +Switches cause bug with clicking. Sometimes clicking gamepiece results in nothing.
- +When you match and "kill" a gamepiece that was on a switch, the switch doesn't get "triggerExit2D" event, so it doesn't deactivate.
- +When game piece is activated (clicked to select destination), make eyes follow the mouse position.
- +When game piece is selected, change mouth to be excited.
- +Idle mouth is too thin. Can't see it at small res/scaled down
- +make default state of blocks be READY_TO_FALL so we can start levels with blocks in mid air if we want
- +When falling, don't fall one block at a time. Check to see where I should land, and make destination that slot
- +Weird bug where level ends before blocks match
- +Pieces no longer fall corectly with new state machine, but matching block above does not get flagged for kill (see level1)
- +Bug: On transition to new level, pieces that are in the air are stuck ready to fall forever.
- +Revamp of MOVING_PIECES state machine work flow
- +change setCurrentState in GamePieceScript so that it does internal checking for illegal states (i.e. if state is dead, don't change it)??
- +Basic GUI for menu and restart level. Menu is a stub.
- +Updated artwork for game tiles, made them have faces, made faces change, follow mouse, etc.
Initial prototype release. Nothing to write home about, but the core mechanism is in place.