First Person Exploration Kit: Activate Type Interactions

Activate type interactions use the FPEInteractableActivateScript component and are possibly the most versatile of all the included interaction types.

Activate type interactions can optionally require inventory in order to succeed. For example, a door might require a key. A machine might require a batter. A jukebox might require 2 coins.

Require Inventory ItemIf true, the rest of the field values matter, and the activation will require inventory. If false, the other fields for Inventory Requirements are ignored.
Required Item TypeThe Inventory Item Type required for the activation to succeed. (e.g. KEYCARD, BATTERY, etc.).
Required Inventory QuantityThe quantity of the required item type needed. (e.g. 1 KEYCARD, 3 BATTERY, etc.)
Required To Be In Hand There are 3 options here:
  • IN_HAND: Inventory must be HELD in the players hand at time of activation.
  • IN_INVENTORY: Inventory must be STORED in inventory at time of activation.
  • IN_HAND_OR_INVENTORY (default): Inventory can either be in player's hand, or in their inventory. This is the most flexible option.
Remove On UseIf true, the inventory that was used to perform the actiation is destroyed. (e.g. For a door that requires a KEYCARD, you probably want this to be false. For a juicer that needs 5 apples and returns apple juice, you probably want this to be true.

Note: It is important that you use the above Inventory requirements consistently. For example, if you have 2 locked doors that require different keys, both doors should have the same "in hand" requirements to keep the gameplay consistent. Similarly, if your require that a door be unlocked by having a key in hand, the key Inventory item itself must allow the player to hold it (refer to the available options in the Inventory Item documentation.

There are 3 core types of activation, which are distinguished by the Event Fire Type value assigned in the Inspector:

ONCEThis makes the Activation event(s) occur exactly once. This is good for starting one-way sequences of events or game-changing choices. (e.g. cutting a rope, smashing a glass panel, etc.)
EVERYTIMEThis makes the Activation event(s) occur every time. This is good for repeating actions (e.g. activate doors, press item dispensors, etc.)
TOGGLEThis makes the Toggle On and Toggle Off event(s) happen in a rotating order. For example, turning on a light, then turning it off.

These Event Fire Types drive the Events assigned in the Inspector

Shared 'Activation' and 'Toggle On' EventThese event(s) are used for all Event Fire Types. If TOGGLE type, this event is fired on Toggle On. If ONCE or EVERYTIME, this is the 'Activation' event. For example, demoSwitch uses EVERYTIME event fire type, and the 'Activation' event is assigned to play a sound, animation, and turn on a light.
Shared 'Activation Failure' EventThese event(s) are used for all Event Fire Types. When an Activation requires inventory to activate, and the player does not have the required inventory, these event(s) are fired.
TOGGLE-specific 'Toggle Off' EventThese event(s) are used for the TOGGLE Event Fire Type only. When an object is Toggled Off, these event(s) are fired.

The Inspector Events as assigned for the demoFanMachine prefab, which is included in the DemoPrefabs folder.

Note: For TOGGLE event fire types specifically, the Toggle Off event will only occur if the activation was successful. For example, if the activation requires a keycard to toggle on, the state of the object won't be 'Toggle On' until the first successful activation. Once successfully activated, the next interaction will be to perform a 'Toggle Off'. Refer to demoFanMachine prefab for a complex example of this behaviour.

There are a few TOGGLE-specific options in the Inspector that require your attention to ensure your Toggle Activations behave properly.

Toggle Off Requires InventoryIf true, the "Required Inventory" section of the settings will also apply to the Toggle Off event(s). For example, if you required a magic wand to produce a magic effect, you may want to require that the player have the wand to stop said magic effect. However, if the player needs a battery to turn on a machine, it makes less sense that they also need a battery to turn off the machine (especially if the machine consumes the battery).
Toggle On Interaction StringApplied to the Base object's Interaction String when ready for a Toggle On activation (e.g. a light switch Toggle could read 'Turn lights on' when its currently off)
Toggle Off Interaction StringApplied to the Base object's Interaction String when ready for a Toggle Off activation (e.g. a light switch Toggle could read 'Turn lights off' when its currently on)
Toggle On At StartIf true, the Toggle On event(s) will be fired when scene Starts. NOTE: Inventory Requirements are ignored if this is true. The Toggle On is simply fired blindly.
Toggle Off At StartIf true, the Toggle Off event(s) will be fired when scene Starts. NOTE: Inventory Requirements are ignored if this is true. The Toggle Off is simply fired blindly.
Fire Toggle Events On Load GameIf true (default), toggle events are fired when the game is loaded, restoring previous toggle states. For example: Toggle On a light switch then save the game. If this value is true, the Toggle On event(s) are fired again when the game is loaded.

Note: By default, Activation type interaction states are saved and loaded at a basic level. For example, if you turned on a toggle in your scene in when the game is saved, the state of the toggle will be restored when the game is loaded. Saving additional outcomes from Activation Events may require additional effort. For example, if an Activation event spawns a Pickup object, that will be saved for you since Pickups are automatically saved. But if your Activation Event makes a cutscene play or wall crumble, you will need to save those states yourself. Please refer to the Save/Load System documentation and included demoFanMachine prefab for more details.